Smart specialization and R&I ecosystem mapping

Regional government, wanting to understand how its S3-related initiatives fit within the general Research and Innovation (R&I) panorama and other funded projects.

The tool provides an explorative network representing the institutions involved in funded projects, their relations, and their relative sector.

A manager of the R&I department of the region wants to analyse the collaboration networks which exist already within a given thematic area, and understand which kinds of actors are mostly involved – public bodies, private companies, etc. In this case, she’s interested in knowing who is active in the sector of Health Industry.

Once she got the general picture, she might be interested to know more about a given partner, which is of particular interest for understanding the way the public funding is attracted by the actors in the R&I ecosystem.

She can then click on the relevant part, to gather more detailed information: the projects that actor has taken part in, its main collaboration, the level of funding it benefitted from, etc.


Student mobility and internationalization strategy

A regional government with a strong interest in enhancing the attractiveness of its higher education system wants to get a better understanding of the student mobility patterns and their evolution over time.

Competency mapping and research valorization

We support research-policymakers in discovering trends in R&D and in identifying emerging strengths of local research & innovation ecosystems.

Specialization Analysis

We help institutions to understand better their disciplinary strengths and weaknesses by means of relevant specialization analysis.