Competency mapping and research valorization

Research and innovation moves fast: the number of publications, projects and patents produced each year by any given region grows exponentially. We help make sense of all these data. We support research-policymakers in discovering trends in R&D and in identifying emerging strengths of local research & innovation ecosystems.

We use text mining techniques on large textual corpora and distill essential information from thousands of texts, that can quickly be transformed into insights and turned into practice.

We produced an interactive dashboard, to help local policymakers identify regional researchers working on Industry 4.0 and to enable them to know the specific research themes that were developed locally on Industry 4.0.

Specifically, we used text-mining algorithms on all scientific publications produced by tuscan researchers between 2010 and 2016 and we extracted all research topics connected with some Industry4.0 theme.

We extracted a series of institutional collaboration network, which are responsive to the topic selection: this feature allows users to see how different institutions produce knowledge and do collaborate among themselves on specific I4.0 topics.

For each of the topics, we extracted temporal trends, to enable users to understand which are the hot and the cold topics. This feature is especially useful for policymakers when setting thematic priorities for local R&D ecosystems.

When selecting a topic, all related publications are shown in decreasing order of relevance. Each of the publications is linked to the source: if subscribed to the respective journal, interested users can then read or download the publications.


Student mobility and internationalization strategy

A regional government with a strong interest in enhancing the attractiveness of its higher education system wants to get a better understanding of the student mobility patterns and their evolution over time.

Finding partners and understanding the networks in a given area

Regional government, wanting to understand how its S3-related initiatives’ fit within the general Research and Innovation (R&I) panorama and other funded projects.

Specialization Analysis

We help institutions to understand better their disciplinary strengths and weaknesses by means of relevant specialization analysis.